How You Can Save Time On Event Planning With These 5 Event Tech Trends:
For a business planning that has a busy schedule, the days leading to the event can feel like a blur. It is not surprising that based on the survey, more than 42 per cent of businesses work up to 20 hours a day during the month of the event. Having a long to-do list can give you sleepless nights as you are thinking of what you need to do next. It can be stressful juggling a lot of things at the same time. Of course, this is why many businesses actually use event planners, like those at Smart Works, to help them organize their event.
But thanks to technology, you can easily get some of the things done in time, saving you time and effort. For instance, you can book security guards and crowd management services online by contacting Main Event Security or other companies that can manage the safety and security of events. Moreover, most event professionals now make use of innovative event planning tools for their corporate events, and with a good reason. According to a study, making use of technology in event planning can increase productivity by 27 percent, increase attendance by 20 percent, and lower cost by about 30 percent.
Meanwhile, for every part of an event in London, new technologies are emerging ? from registration to budgeting. With various event techs out there, it is difficult knowing the most important, and what will be available for the next couple of years.
How can you save time on Event Planning with these 5 Event Tech Trends?
1. Create an event website
It can be frustrating and exhausting trying to make an event website from scratch. If you have nothing to work with, make use of easy WordPress templates for your events. But even if you have the right templates, it can still take time and effort to design, add, and update all details of the event ? such as the list of speakers and their bios, the agenda, the list of sponsors and exhibitors, and so on. By making use of an event site builder, you can make lovely webpages in a short time. It is easy to make use of this technology; you don?t need to be a tech guru or sourced elsewhere for a website builder.
2. Get rid of repeated emailing with speakers
Trying to coordinate with invited speakers to get their personal information such as their bios, abstract, and pictures can be time-consuming. Sending back and forth emails can get tedious, and some information might get lost along the way. Instead, make use of recent event tech tools that can automate the entire process, so you can receive information quickly without having to track someone down for hours. Since the speakers upload their personal information themselves, you don?t have to be concerned about adding incorrect details accidentally. Also, the information can be made available to the website automatically for the audience to view.
3. Creating name badges
This is another tiring aspect of planning an event in London. An event agency doesn?t need to outsource and be worried about delays in shipping, delayed registration, and errors that would be difficult to fix when they make use of event technology. Nowadays, we have online tools available for event planners to design and print badges at any time. Some of these tools make it possible to create badges that look professional by using templates to customize your details.
4. Multiple branded apps
Mobile apps have become an important part of our daily activities, and the event industry is not left out. Making use of branded apps create an avenue for event organizers to interact with their audiences on their own mobile devices. Apps have been used in the industry for a while, but over the last few years, they have advanced. It is possible nowadays to customize an app to look as if it was specifically made for your event. Those apps at the same time enhance the experience of the attendees. Event organizers can make use of branded apps to communicate and connect with their audience before, during and after the event is over.
5. Event diagramming
If you are unsure how your event will look like, then you can make use of diagramming software to visually map everything out ? from the sitting arrangement, all the way to the placement of the microphone and any commercial led screens you may be intending to use on stage. It is easy to use most of these tools – with 3D walkthroughs, drag-and-drop diagramming, and the seating software. Such tools make it possible for event planners and the venue management team to save time, and at the same time provide clear communication for the entire team. These tools are also provided customizable, collaborative, and accurate project planning that can be accessible by all team members.